Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Time...

well it sure is HOT outside... so far this summer the kids are swimming everyday, we have Jasmine at the house each day.. (Aubrie is loving that), Payton has baseball practice every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He is getting better and better each week.. its pretty cool to watch the work and effort he puts into his baseball.. we are really proud of him. He also works on his pitching every night with Skipper, he has to get his arm stronger to be able to throw the faster pitches that the 10-11yr olds throw.

Next week we have a tournament in Shiner, TX on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.. this will be the second one he will be in.. so we all are excited !!

Both of the kids are still in gymnastics every Tuesday.

Skipper is in his 1st week of his new career with Cintas.. he is excited for the opportunity and we are happy as a family for him !! I am excited to see where this company will take us in the future.. he is already doing so well, just in his first week . He is such a good salesman !!

So, needless to say we have been quite busy this summer and it just got started. Payton's birthday is coming up soon the BIG TEN !! wow... where did the past 10 yrs go ? You always hear your parents say.. "they grow up so fast" .. I now know what that feels like.. just think in 8 more years college !!!! OH MY GOODNESS !!

till the next time........

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