Monday, March 30, 2009

my sweet niece

Skylehr and Dole got to go home on
Thursday March 26th

her "going home" outfit

March 27th, my birthday, I went out to visit Skylehr
and this was her very first outing.. we went to
chilis and she did great, slept the whole time !!

sweet newborn smiles

sunbathing in her new swing from Auntie Tracy...

sweet dreams little angel

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm am an Auntie.... Again !!! (its been awhile)

Monday March 23rd 2009
last picture of a pregnant Dole !!

Dole was induced yesterday around 5:30am and by 4:30 in the afternoon , she had dilated to a 9, but the baby was still too high and not descending. The doctor was worried that since she had not dropped after strong contractions all day that if she were to deliver naturally, the baby might get stuck... So the dr. put her on the books for a c-section. By 8:30 baby Skylehr was born !! A healthy, super cute (mini dole) weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was
20 inches long. Dole was in her room by 10:30ish and the baby joined her around 11pm. Skylehr stayed up all night with only one or two 20 min cat naps and finally fell asleep by 4:30am ... we got about 2 1/2 hours of sleep.. finally !!! She looks just like Dole and so far the first 10 hrs of her life seems to have the same temperament as Dole !!

Thank you to all of you who kept Dole and the baby covered in prayer... Prayer works and now we have a full term, healthy, baby girl to love on... Thanks Be to God !!

just seconds old

happy mommy and daddy

Skylehr Dorthy Knight

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We only breed CHAMPIONS !!!

Skipper jokes around and tells everyone.. we only breed CHAMPIONS...

Payton's basketball team won 1st in their division and won 2nd in the playoffs. They were are great team this year.. but I think my blood pressure was through the roof at some of the games... they were that good !! :)
(Payton is in the back right corner... remember look for short hair now)

Aubrie's team won 1st in their division and FIRST in their playoffs....
She scored 4 points in the last game.. pretty good for a kid who never played basketball before.. she was by far the "most improved" player !!

we are SO proud of our kiddos
for all the hard work and effort they put into their
practices and games each week !!

Katy Rodeo 2009

Shelbi, my niece, got to be in this years calf scramble.. she is #56..
she didn't get one.. but it was fun to watch !!

Aubrie and Jazz having a blast
Jazz got to sing the national anthem with the school choir

this man had two cattle dogs that were showing off their herding skills.
they were herding goats into a pen and then into the back of this truck..
the cutest part.. is they (the dogs) had little monkeys on their backs !!

the little monkey even has on western wear.. including a bandanna,
vest and chaps !! sooooo cute.