right after Christmas lunch with the Scott Family, we hopped in the car for a 9 hour drive to Sapulpa, Oklahoma to spend some much over due time with Nick, Angie, and the girls. We made it up there late, but that didn't matter, we were all so happy to see each other. We spent 3 days with them an had a blast just catching up and loving on each other. They took us to see Julie's two horses, Twister and Angel. Twister is 1 year old and still in training, but Angel was ready and willing for a bunch of kids riding her.

Jordan, Uncle Nick, and Aubrie

Payton and Aubrie
riding together on on of the horses

Jordan and Aubrie

Julie and Angel
she is in heaven

Twister is very young and VERY stubborn. If he
doesn't want to walk ... He wont !! We told Aubrie to stand her ground and make him do what she wanted him to do... she did !! Aubrie pulled and pulled, walked in circles and got that horse to walk !! go Aubrie *the horse whisperer*

Aubrie and Twister

I just loved how she was standing and taking everything in

Payton and Angel

Twister yawning
I love it !!

Uncle Nick giving Aubrie a ride on Angel
Twister followed everywhere they went

The Middle Child

The Youngest

The Oldest


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