Hurrican Ike came barreling towards us on Friday night.. we spent most of the day on Thursday getting the house ready for a big storm. We had lots of water, ice, candles and canned goods, it took 4 stores to acheive these prized items.. but we got them !! Friday night before the storm hit , I was cooking dinner and Skip and Payton were outside playing football, when all of a sudden they heard a big boom. Out went the lights, WHAT are you kidding me.. its beautiful outside... our power was out from 7pm-9:30pm. So here is a picture of my way of cooking in the dark... thank goodness for gas stoves !!

the clouds were amazing while the storm was coming on shore...

this is the first of the outer bands of the storm
we ate our dinner outside with the most beautiful sunset I think I have ever seen... it was so orange.. the house was glowing orange inside !!
sunset before the storm

Saturday morning after the storm... wow what a night... I wasnt quite prepared for just how scared I would be.. the noise of the wind was something I dont ever care to hear again !! We were 100% Blessed.. the only damage we had was a few limbs down ( not near the house ) and a piece of fence fell . God is good !! This is a picture of our street after the storm.

10th street after the storm

Tom, Skip's brother, had alot of tree damage to his yard, but again, nothing to the house.

he lost his fence in the back
his neighbor lost their huge tree in their front yard
it covered the entire street

Sunday morning we wake up to heavy rain.. and flooding... our street has never flooded and we were getting water up the driveway....
our neighbors car got water in the door b/c of the flooding

the lake by our house was out of its banks and heading really close to the houses.
drain was over flowing...

the creek by our house was 1ft from going over the road... thank goodness it stopped raining just in time to keep it from over flowing and flooding our houses.
All and all we came out ...... Blessed... thats all I can say. I know there are hundreds of thousands that are without and I am praying for them all day long.
1 comment:
Wow! Great pictures, Tracy!
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