On Saturday Sept. 6th, our really good friends Ricky and Lanann invited us to their daughter Katie's 9th birthday party.. the coolest part was that it was at Minute Maid Park and a tour was included in the party !! Payton and I were so excited !! It was so cool to be there when no one else is .. it was so quiet and we learned a TON of new things about how things run down there.
Like ....
Did you know that the roof is "small missle" proof !!! wow !! and it takes exactly 13 minutes to open !!
Did you know that the grass grows a 1/4 of an inch a day and they have to cut the grass EVERY day !!
We learned how bats and balls are made.. it was overall the coolest birthday party and I want my birthday there too !! (I am totally serious) :)
Katie's party was up in one of the suites.. waiting in the suite for us was Junction Jack.. all the kids were SO excited to see him and take pictures with him !!

and of course they served "Minute Maid" juice with the cake

this is Katie..
Happy Birthday Katie
our view of an empty park from up in our birthday suite.. they were out working on the field while we were there
some of the kids at the party
Asher, Mia, Aubrie, Katie, Celest, and Morgan
While on the tour, they took us in to the "Diamond Club", this was a glass sculpture of Minute Maid on display. Did you know that to be in the Diamond Club, they require a one time donation of $20, 000.. now you have to buy your season tickets which run about $300 + per ticket !!! Wow!
after the Diamond Club we went out onto the field to make our way into the dugout (first we sat where the Ex-President sits) this picture is taken from the ledge of the dugout

Astros Dugout !!
Payton was amazed !!
there is Biggio's retired #7 !! we will miss you Biggio !!
sorry about the repeat pic.. i cant figure out how to delete it.. oh well, its a good pic so you get to see it twice !!
This is where the announcers sit.. what a view. Overall it was a fantastic day.. we learned alot more than expected and I am ready to go back and take a different tour and maybe get to go in to the Club House !!!
Go Stros !!