There is a little girl in Aubrie's class that has the same eye problem and her mom told me about her doctor and how wonderful she is, how she never gives up, and how aggressive she is with her treatments.. Well it turns out she is the same doctor that helped my cousin regain eyesight some 20+ years ago.
Her name is Dr. Helen Mintz-Hittner she is down in the Med Center she has been in practice for 39 yrs treating kids with eye problems. I HIGHLY recommend her !! Well we had an appointment yesterday with the new doctor !! it went WONDERFUL !! She told us how common this eye disorder is and how it can be reversed with aggressive treatment (no surgeries) she told us that we needed to patch Aubrie's "good" eye every day ALL day , from the moment she wakes up until its time for bed. We need to do this for 3 weeks straight and she can get her eyesight from 20 / 400 all the way to 20 / 30 !!! Just in time for school to start !! are you kidding me !! only 3 weeks !!! What a short amount of time for such a HUGE outcome !! Dr. Hittner also told us that it is very common that these other doctors tell alot of people these things because there is no money in treating kids like Aubrie... b/c most of the work is with the kid and the parent.. they don't need surgery or any other major medical things.. so they basically send these kids away with these diagnosis of not getting better because they cant make any money !! Can you believe that !! How many kids are these doctors not helping because they aren't making a bunch of money off of them !! I was so mad about that I wanted to go and picket the office .. .so others can have hope too for their kiddos to get better !! I am still in shock over that one !
Skipper and I truly believe God sent us to this new doctor for hope and healing !! We are so blessed and so excited to see what the next three weeks bring...
Aubrie was not real happy at first , but after long talks about being able to see out of that eye finally and of course a few bribes :) she is coming to terms with what needs to happen !!
So today is day 2 of patching and she is doing really well .. . I am asking for prayers for complete healing of her eye... we have a Big God and He can do BIG things... and we are believing in that..
Keep miss Aubrie in your prayers to .. to understand this is a tiny amount of time for the benefit of the rest of her life !! and keep Skipper and I in your prayers.. for patience and love when she is having a bad day with all the patching...
We will keep you posted !!

1 comment:
What a blessing to have found out about the new doctor. The whole healthcare system is a mess... don't get me started! Anyway, I'm so thankful for this diagnosis and will pray for Aubrie. Tell her we all think she looks COOL! :-)
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