coaches going over signs for the game

plays: First, Second, Short Stop, Pitcher, Center Field and Right Field

Katy Wildcats
May 2009
** Payton had the "game of his life" on Sunday. We lost the game, but Payton was exceptional in our eyes !! He pitched some of the game and was throwing 70% strikes, he got a kid out that bunted the ball .. (he ran up on the ball, pivoted on one foot and chuncked it to first to get the kid out), he made two amazing plays at 2nd base to get kids out. He was one of two to get on base, stole second, stole third and was batted in (only one to score). When we got in the car, Skip said "Payton, that was the best game you have ever had...." Payton's response "it was?!?"
We were so proud and as you can tell still pumped !!! :)